We are a business with a social conscience. Technically the Clearwater Housing Authority (CHA) is a Quasi-Municipal Corporation, created under Florida State Statue 421. We work in partnership with local government and the private sector. Recognized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a “High Performer Agency,” CHA achieved top marks on our public housing and Housing Choice Voucher programs.

We are overseen by a Five member volunteer Board made of professionals of varying backgrounds and or business persons in our community that bring their expertise in setting policy and the mission of the CHA.

Here is a little history….CHA was created in 1941, and our mission is to enhance the lives of those we serve by creating innovative communities, providing dignified environments and nurturing self-sufficiency. CHA has many rental and self- sufficiency opportunities for low to moderate income persons. For over 25 years we have expanded our portfolio of communities to increase and preserve the affordable housing stock within the City of Clearwater.

Currently, our Property portfolio is 30% federally funded and 70% privately funded. We are proud of our ability to provide affordable rental housing opportunities while lessening our dependency on federal dollars. We strongly believe that, in order to progress and break the cycle of poverty, we must, as an agency, strive to become independent of federal funding ourselves. This is a challenge, but it is not impossible. This part of our mission pushes us to be innovative thinkers, creative, efficient, and fiscally responsible. It also provides a real model of what can be done regardless of the challenges.

Along those lines we offer our Housing Choice Voucher customers a Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program that was one of the first of its kind in the nation. We encourage you to click here to learn more about our FSS program. We also offer a Resident Opportunity and Self Sufficiency (ROSS) Program for our public housing residents, please click here to learn more.

CHA is supported by great stakeholders in the local community and in the federal government who help make our services possible. HUD funds our largest federally subsidized program, the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program; they also help subsidize our 235 units of public housing. Our private investors fund 529 units of mixed income communities and our corporate offices, for which there is no federal subsidy.

Third party contracting is a service CHA provides to maximize our resources. We offer discounted rates to entities needing executive management, accounting,and property management services.

Internally our corporate culture is forward thinking, while encouraging,creativity, customer service, integrity, professionalism, and courage.

Like we first stated, we take pride in being a business with a social conscience and we take pride in that.

 Clearwater Housing Awarded HAI Risk Management Award

PHAS and SEMAP High Performer
